Posted in Produktion und Handwerk

Sales Manager international (Vollzeit | Berlin)

Sales Manager international (Vollzeit | Berlin) Posted on 24. März 2025

Since 2006 gfai tech GmbH is specialized in innovative products and services for the measurement and analysis of sound and vibration „Made in Germany“.  We help our customers to find solutions for acoustics and structural dynamics. Our vision is to design a quiet, safe and pleasant world.

As a subsidiary of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik (GFaI e.V.) we are always in touch with the latest research & development. Our product portfolio includes the Acoustic Camera, the modal analysis software WaveImage, the smart impulse hammer WaveHitMAX as well as customized solutions for wind tunnels.



  • Technical and commercial support of our international distributors
  • Planning and execution of site visits, demonstrations, workshops, trainings fairs and conferences worldwide
  • Collaborative development and progression of sales concepts
  • Creation of proposals and biddings
  • Development of client specific solutions
  • Maintenance and development of our distribution network
  • Communication with clients and interested parties
  • Research of market, development potentials and with our R&D department



  • Degree in business, engineering or science
  • Fluent in English and German
  • Experience in the field of measurement technology is beneficial
  • Self-confident manner
  • Willingness to travel around the globe
  • Excellent communication skills and self-reliance
  • Ability to work in a team



  • A chance to represent cutting-edge technology products
  • Full-time position (40 hours/week)
  • Unlimited employment contract
  • Attractive salary with commission system
  • 30 days annual leave
  • 1-2 days home office per week
  • Detailed training in your area of responsibility
  • Dynamic team with a familiar atmosphere
  • Modern office space in the smartest neighborhood of the city
  • Company parking lot and shower rooms for athletes
  • Company health management (fresh fruit, workplace analysis, ergonomics consultation, flu vaccination, eye examination)
  • Employee events such as summer party, Christmas party, team building
  • Active influence on further product development
  • Flat hierarchies and room for personal development



Send us your application via mail at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber des Stellenangebots:

Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e.V (GFaI)
Volmerstr. 3
12489 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 814563-300
Telefax: +49 (30) 814563-302

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